منع آلة تغليف الحبيبات من الخلل أثناء العمل

خبر أغسطس 14 2020

         الحبيبية packaging machine له تأثير العمل عالي الكفاءة ، ليس فقط يمكنه حزم جميع أنواع المواد الحبيبية ، ولكن أيضا التأثير الكلي للتغليف رائع. لذلك ، من أجل جعل تأثير التغليف يصل إلى مستوى أفضل ويلعب ميزة أكثر استقرارا ، يوصى بالاهتمام بالمشكلات التالية لتجنب حدوث حالات الفشل.

          1. استخدم وفقا للتعليمات
          In a good working environment, الحبيبية packaging machine does not need too many staff to take care of it, because it has the advantage of fully automatic work, but do not set and adjust functions blindly, just follow the instructions and use it. Up.
      granule packaging machine
          2. انتبه لتجنب التحميل الزائد على العمل
          The الحبيبية packaging machine must be used correctly according to the requirements during the work process. There must be no violations of various regulations and no overload work, otherwise it will cause serious failures, which may be minor problems at the beginning, but for a long time If there is a serious failure, it will not only damage the الحبيبية packaging machine, but also shorten its service life.

          The reason why some الحبيبية packaging machines often fail during work, in addition to poor brand quality, and unsuitable specifications and models, the most important reason is that they did not operate in accordance with the instructions, which led to serious failures. Appeared, leading to omissions in the work process.

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